HighDef Hognose (HDH) - HighDef Hognose is a reptile breeding and distribution company
founded on the belief "we breed pets not products." What this means is that the animal's safety and
health come first. Hailing from the best breeding stock,
reptiles sold through HighDef Hognose are all captive-bred.
Focused on breeding the Plains Hognose Snake
Heterodon Nasicus), an threatened species in the wild
and overbred in the hobby, HighDef Hognose breeds
high-quality, genetically diverse, and healthy animals to
keep the species flourishing and viable.
For inquiries you can find us at highdefhognose.com
On MorphMarket at highdefhognose
Facebook and Instagram under @highdefhognose
and at Highdefhognose@gmail.com